Valentine’s day is just around the corner. How are you and your loved one spicing things up this holiday? Oh, the many drinks to be indulged. Check out our list of delicious beverages worth whipping up for your romantic toast of the year.

Cupid’s Arrow Cocktail

You can’t have valentine’s day without Cupid. Ah, the Greek God of desire, attraction, and love. While we’re not sure Cupid always gets it right, we are confident of one thing. This boozy concoction will have heart eyes drawn on as though you’re Bugs bunny seeing Lola for the first time. And to be frank, those heart eyes might not be for your partner exactly, but instead for a glass of this luscious, sweet, and tarty mix. It’s that good!

Cupid’s Arrow is simple to make. All you need is some vodka, blood orange liquor, orange juice, lemon juice, berries of your choice, sugar, sprite or seven up, and some chocolate shavings for a bit of pizazz. Don’t be afraid to be liberal with your chocolate like Salt Bae is with his salt. If anything, valentine’s day is about overindulgence. Give it a try, and while you’re at it, throw in a toast for Cupid, who isn’t legally old enough to try his namesake cocktail.

Valentine's Day Cocktails

Chocolate-Covered Strawberry Shooters

Speaking of chocolate, the next cocktail on the list is chocolate-covered strawberry shooters. Nothing screams Valentine’s Day like chocolate and strawberries, which got us thinking. How did this paring become the ultimate romantic treat?

Upon research, we found that there isn’t a single agreed story of the originators of this fine duo. We did, however, find some noteworthy tidbits. For instance, did you know that strawberries are considered a symbol of Venus? Yes! Venus, the roman goddess of love. With their vibrant red color, heart-shaped appearance, and delectable taste, there’s no question that strawberries are the embodiment of Venus herself. As for chocolate, thanks to its sugary composition, it is known to help boost serotonin production. Serotonin is our body’s “feel-good hormone” that staves off depression and enhances our moods.

With Venus on your side and serotonin on the other, you know you’re bound for a good time with a few of these shooters.

Making chocolate-covered strawberry shooters is simple. All you need is some melted chocolate chips, strawberry milk, white chocolate liqueur, vodka, and small strawberries to go on top.

Vampire’s Kiss Cocktail

Not really a fan of the two cocktails above? Don’t worry! We get it; not everyone is of the lovely dovey and all-sugar variety. If you’re looking for something more representative of a mysterious and provocative take on romance, like that of Edward and Bella from the twilight series, the next one is for you. The Vampire’s Kiss Cocktail is a blood-red vodka martini with a seductive twist. It’s topped with a dry ice cube for some added allure.

For this drink, you will need some vodka, Chambord, unsweetened cranberry juice, fresh lemon juice, grenadine (for the mixtures and to create your sugar rim), granulated sugar, and dry ice cubes.

Valentine's Day Cocktails

Cherry Lime Dirty Shirley

Okay, okay! We’ve talked a lot about the love shared between two lovers, but we haven’t quite shared a drink that’s perfect for those celebrating galentine’s day. A quick and easy drink to share with all your gal pals this year is a shirley temple gone a little cheery-er.

The origins of everybody’s favorite childhood mixer, the Shirley Temple, originated from none other than the queen Shirley Temple herself. It was said that in all the fancy meals shared with her parents at some of the top restaurants of her time, bartenders would make her this yummy mocktail so she could join in on the fun. While there’s nothing wrong with mocktails, we choose to leave it for the juvenile experience and opt for this Chambord and vodka version instead.

Cherry Lime Dirty Shirleys require very few ingredients and can be made in large batches. All you need is grenadine, limes, Chambord, vodka, lime or lemon soda, maraschino cherries, and raspberries.

Need More Cocktail Ideas?

Feeling inspired? Whether you want to try one of the drinks above, have something else in mind, or need a little more inspiration, be sure check out what else we’ve got! We not only supply an amazing list of cocktail recipes, but we also have an excellent selection of alcohol. Click here to to make sure you’re set this valentine’s day!


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