Summer and its sunny and eighty-plus degree weather will be here before you know it. How will you stay nice and cool through the warm summer? Our latest article shares our top 5 best cocktails for summer parties in San Diego that’ll keep you refreshed all summer.


At the top of our list of best summer cocktails is a sweltering glass of mojito. It’s icy, sweet, refreshing, and delicious. Mojitos have been around for over 500 years. They are said to have originated in Havana, Cuba. Over the years, it has been enjoyed by the likes of Earnest Hemmingway and continues to be favored by many today. It’s easy to make and only requires five ingredients. These ingredients include fresh mint leaves, lime, white sugar, rum, and club soda. Gather your ingredients, whip up a glass, and kick back. Let it transport you to Cuba, a tropical oasis set with brightly colored buildings, classic cars, large palm trees, and the bluest waters.

Top 5 Summer Cocktails


Did you know that July 19 is National Daiquiri Day? Fitting how it’s set in the middle of the summer when the temperature is typically at its all-time high. Daiquiris are slushies gone sloshier. They are the perfect frozen treat to sip on during the hot summer months. Daiquiris are the adult and classier versions of those ice-cold popsicles or gas station slushies we all enjoyed as children. Recall the many hot summers spent out in the sun with friends and how refreshing one of those were after a long day. A daiquiri is that and more! Daiquiris not only help end the day on a good note but also help keep the party going when you’re not quite ready for it to end. Daquiris are easy to make. You only need a little ice, sugar, frozen fruit of choice, lemon juice, rum, and soda. Make yourself a glass and allow yourself to enjoy the simplicities of life as you once did all those summers back.

Pina Colada

The next on the list of yummy summer cocktails is the pina colada. We love a tall glass of pina colada for the same reason we love daiquiris. They’re a slushy concoction that’s delightful and equally refreshing. Pina Coladas are loved by many for two main reasons: 1. They’re delicious! 2. They’re super easy to make. To make it, you only need pineapple juice, coconut cream, and rum. Pina Coladas are cold, sweet, and creamy. They’re a tropical treat so yummy they even have their own song, Escape aka The Piña Colada Song by Rupert Holmes. Enjoy a glass of this and turn up the music, summer is here!

Top 5 Summer Cocktails

Ranch Water

So, we’ve mentioned mojitos, daiquiris, and pina coladas, three cocktails that most people have heard about. For our fourth cocktail, we figured we’d out of mention something that just recently became popular, ranch water. While it only recently became all the rage on social media, ranch water has supposedly been around since the 1960s. It was allegedly concocted by a ranger traveling through Texas. While little is known about its origins, there’s no question that this tequila-based cocktail is heavenly. It’s simple, bubbly, and cooling. Ranch water is made out of sparkling water, lime juice, and tequila. While you may not be ranching about this summer, there’s no doubt a glass of ranch water is what you need to stay cool this summer.

Salty Dog

That last item on our list is a salty dog. A salty dog is a spin-off of the Greyhound cocktail- a vodka (or gin), sugar, and canned grapefruit juice mixture. A salty dog is much like a greyhound. The only difference is that a salty dog has a salt-coated rim. A salty dog is an excellent treat for those who prefer vodka or gin cocktails. They’re also ideal for those who enjoy the duality of a sweet and bitter cocktail.

Get your Ingredients today!

There you have it, our top 5 best cocktails for summer parties in San Diego! Whether you want to indulge this summer with a mojito, pina colada, ranch water, salty dog, or some other cocktail or alcoholic beverage, stop by Golden Hill Market to stock up on your supplies. We offer a wide range of liquor, beer, and wines. We have all you can ever want and more! We are located at 2044 Market St, San Diego, CA 92102.


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